Ampersand Woman: Talia Halliday
Ampersand Woman: Talia Halliday
It’s not every day you meet a businesswoman who’s simultaneously running 3 businesses. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce our very first Ampersand Woman, Talia Halliday. Talia is the Shop keep at Gather Handmade, Organizer of the Bloomington Handmade Market, and Owner and designer of Conduit Press. Talia is the glue that holds our downtown together.
Talia’s drink Lavender Vanilla Chai
Talia has always liked to make, and be surrounded by friends. As her life has grown, along with her family and her business, she’s always stayed true to these two things: to make and to gather. And so, it just stands to reason that she open a brick and mortar that plans to do just that, every. single. day.
Talia calls herself an art’s advocate - not an artist. Even though she does create, her focus generally lies in the facilitation of helping other artists grow. You can find Talia’s work under the guise of Conduit Press, but you can find her spending most of her public time on events like the Bloomington Handmade Market, and in her brick and mortar store: Gather - where she represents, makers and artists every day.
Get the details on Talia’s daily routine, her favorite tea, and the life motto that keeps her going after the jump!
Name: Talia Halliday
Location: Bloomington, IN
Occupation: Shop keep at Gather Handmade, Organizer of the Bloomington Handmade Market, and Owner and designer of Conduit Press.
I hail from… .I was born in Killeen, TX on an army base - most likely in a trailer with my teenage mother, while my father was away in Germany. I grew up in Marion, Indiana, which is a small town about two hours north of here. While I’m not generally proud of that fact, the truth of the matter is that I was actually a pretty happy kid who made due with what I had. Marion did me well.
I currently live in…I’ve lived in Bloomington, IN since 1998. I came to Bloomington to study English (actually, first to study Psychology, then that quickly became journalism, which then quickly became English - and then eventually, in grad school, English education). I’m one of those text book cases of people who come here as students, make/find/create a family, and never leave. What can I say, i kinda like it here.
My morning routine before leaving for work is…Oh, how I hate this question. Jes, you and I have talked a lot about this. About how ‘super successful people’ have this routine of getting up early, getting their day started before the rest of us have even attempted to wake up, and then take the world by storm by lunch, etc etc. That is NOT my life. I wake up slowly. I sleep in. I need my sleep. I Love my sleep. So, I wake up late. Get ready, usually while listening to music and singing in the shower. On mornings when my husband has gotten the kiddo ready for school I make myself breakfast, sit down at my planner and look over my day to see where I’m supposed to be and when. On mornings when it’s my responsibility to get the kiddo out the door I make him breakfast, shower him with Love and affection, mostly while I’m huddled under a blanket and making him his lunch. Once he’s out the door, I casually make my way into the office/store/meeting. I’m working on changing this routine because I know I could be so much more productive if only I could wake up earlier. I’m looking for my motivation. Haha.
My personality at work in three words: Abrasive, Maternal, Creative
My favorite go to tea: Cup & Kettle’s Lavender Chai
My favorite tea types are… Chai, floral black teas
My favorite time for tea…Umm all the time, but especially early in the morning (if I ever get up that early)
When I grew up I wanted to be… A writer
When I “grow up” I want to be… A friend
My mother always said… You’ll be a great boss
What I wish I knew when I started working: Forgive yourself. And often. Sometimes I hold myself too accountable for things and this is something I’m learning every day. I also need to learn how to delegate and have trust in others more. You don’t have to do everything!
If I could have a power lunch with anyone, living or dead, it would be… currently I would say Amanda Palmer as I’m reading her book “The Art of Asking” and I’m in awe of her story. Probably Gertrude Stein. Ever since I was a kid I’ve really thrived on . . . for lack of a better word, ‘my tribe’. As a tween we created clubs with secret rules and crafts . . . when I was in high school you could always find me with my literary zine people . . . in college it was our ‘film’ crew . . . now it’s my crafty crew. I’ve always been really interested in the idea of groups of people making change, creating change, just by being. When I first read about the Stein salon - i really just wanted to recreate that, but I know it has to happen organically. But this idea of people coming together, doing what they Love, and becoming influential and . . . yeah. The idea of having lunch with the likes of Stein, Picasso, Ezra Pound and Matisse (or just creating art in the same space as them!) is ultimately amazing and mind-blowing.
If I could have happy hour with anyone, living or dead, it would be… My grandmother, but with tea. That’s the sentimental Talia talking. The real answer is - I would never have a power lunch - it’s always happy hour. Or . . . maybe they’re the same thing.
Finish the following sentences:
Success is… Measured within
Happiness is… Happiness is being happy with what you have, but also knowing you have the power to change and grow. Ultimately, you are always in control of your future.
Sexy is… Self confidence and kindness
A working woman can never have too many… best friends.
Your motto: Make shit happen (with your friends)!